Saturday, March 24, 2012


Seriously...when did my baby turn into a teenager? (Saturday morning cartoons)

Solomon's ride

Monday, March 19, 2012

I do not want to get out of the bath

Frog meet duck

Bath time

Where's Solomon? There he is...!

Who us?

The next generations executive

Got my where are my keys??

Solomon and his unique bottle holding style

Pushing Wilbur in the tonka truck

Feeding Baily through our screen

Solomon....those snacks are for Solomon....!!

A boy and his hats

Can I please go outside


Playing with Addy

My cousin Shawn and his family were in Asheville for a few days. Solomon and I had a great time visiting with them. Solomon and his second cousin Addy had sooo much fun playing together. They giggled and giggled and giggled some more. It was so much fun watching them play.

Back to harassing Baily

Helping Mommy sweep

The deck and the grass..what a helpful lil guy!

A boy and his trucks

Solomon loves pushing trucks around...across the ground, through the air, across Mommies head..