Wednesday, December 16, 2009

You never know what you have until it's gone........

Our old kitchen, very small and very outdated, complete w/a door to the back patio that you couldn't open at the same time that you opened the fridge:

Our now completely gutted kitchen.   The old kitchen door mentioned above has been taken out and covered to make more room on the back wall: 

Below is the wall and built in bookshelves that used to be in our living room.  We have now had this wall completely removed and in it's place will be an island creating a very open living space.

 The windows in the dining area (to the left and back from the bookshelves) will be removed and french doors w/side lights will go in it's place creating a wall of windows and lots of light.  This will open out to our back yard patio. 

What we see now in our living room, a wall of plastic...This 'zip wall'  complete w/a huge zipper to enter/exit out of , is to keep the dust and debris out of our living room, it works well.  At night the animals who can't help but be super curious go crashing through it.  Greta has this SuperMan move that she does w/her legs fully extended out behind her as she dives through and kicks her feet hitting the plastic.  The only thing we can figure is that she likes the noise it makes.  Go figure....

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