Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Baby's first ultrasound

Our baby's first ultrasound scan that was taken February 12th.

The baby is sort of doing a somersault (I personally think that is a sign of a gymnast or a diver..haha). His/her head is down to the right, little rump is to the top left and umbilical cord stretching downward. The heart beat was amazing (to the say the least) to hear and brought tears to both Pete and my eyes along w/relief that all is well. We were told that everything looks normal and the baby has a very strong and healthy heartbeat. The two words to describe this experience so far is EXCITING and SURREAL..surreal surreal!!!!!!

So now when i'm feeling sick and gagging as, I am mostly 24/7 now a days, I can just look at this photo and know it is after all for a very good reason.

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