Thursday, June 2, 2011

Juneau, Alaska - Whale Watching

Our first full day in Juneau we decided to jump on a whale watching boat. We called one of the whale watching operations and they told us they have a boat going out in about 40 minutes and a van that will be coming by our hotel in 5 minutes if we wanted to jump on with them. In our shock we said YES and threw some things in a bag for Solomon and went outside just in time to make the van.

Getting on the boat.

Humpback whales that we saw around Juneau

The humpbacks were bubble net feeding which is something that isn't done any where else on earth, only in southeast Alaska. We felt so blessed that we were able to witness this.

We also saw bald eagles and stellar sea lions. So much life in this part of the world. It is amazing and makes a person remember how small we really are as humans and the broad spectrum of the world.

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